Wednesday, August 19, 2009

setting up moin moin wiki

Install Required Packages
Required packages are as follows:
python-moinmoin (Which should point to the proper python version)
apache2 webserver
sudo apt-get install python-moinmoin
sudo apt-get install apache2

Create a Wiki With "wikiname"
Create a wiki called "wikiname" and set the permissions.

cd /usr/share/moin
sudo mkdir wikiname
sudo cp -R data wikiname
sudo cp -R underlay wikiname
sudo cp server/moin.cgi wikiname
sudo chown -R www-data.www-data wikiname
sudo chmod -R ug+rwx wikiname
sudo chmod -R o-rwx wikiname

Configure MoinMoin to Locate "wikiname"
Relevant MoinMoin config files are located in /etc/moin/
Edit /etc/moin/, and after the line "wikis = [" add your "wikiname". For a single instance wiki, this would entail renaming the following line from:
("mywiki", r".*"),

("wikiname", r".*"),

Copy the /etc/moin/ file to /etc/moin/
sudo cp /etc/moin/ /etc/moin/

Edit the /etc/moin/ and change all instances of mywiki to wikiname. In addition to this, change the data dir to point to your local installation of MoinMoin:
data_dir = '/usr/share/moin/wikiname/data'

Note :- You can simply copy the data directoy of old wiki to the above set folder to get the pages from the old pages to the newly installed wiki
Make apache ready for your wiki
Insert into /etc/apache2/sites-available/default (inside of the "" tag)
### moin
ScriptAlias /wikiname "/usr/share/moin/wikiname/moin.cgi"
alias /wiki "/usr/share/moin/htdocs"
alias /moin_static171 "/usr/share/moin/htdocs"

Order allow,deny
allow from all

### end moin

Restart apache to apply your changes:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

See if it works
Go to your wiki's homepage: Or try the test command:
You should probably set up PasswordProtectedEditing and investigate other security stuff: SecurityPolicy.
Server Name warning
apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

Add in /etc/apache2/apache.conf the following: ServerName
Where is your actual host name, like or IP like

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